At the Rotary Club of Peoria-North, we are driven by a single goal: to make a positive, lasting impact in our community. With a rich history of service and dedication, our club proudly brings together dedicated individuals who are committed to creating a better world, starting right here in the Peoria area.

Our Impact

Through a variety of hands-on service projects, the Rotary Club of Peoria-North has made significant contributions that enhance the quality of life in our community. Here are some highlights of our recent initiatives:

Butterfly Garden at Hines Primary School

In partnership with Hines Primary School, we created a beautiful butterfly garden to provide students with a hands-on educational experience in nature. This serene spot not only supports local wildlife but also serves as an outdoor classroom where children can learn about biology and ecology in a vibrant, interactive setting.

Shelter and Water Station at Donovan Park

Recognizing the need for amenities along the popular bike trail at Donovan Park, our club members rolled up their sleeves to install a new shelter and water station. This addition has made the park more accessible and enjoyable for cyclists and joggers, encouraging more people to embrace outdoor activities.

Tree Planting Initiative at Donovan Park

In a major effort to support environmental sustainability, our club planted 50 trees in Donovan Park. This project not only beautifies the area but also contributes to air quality improvement and provides much-needed shade for park visitors.

Get Involved

Are you passionate about making a difference? Join us! Whether you're looking to contribute your time, resources, or expertise, there is a place for you in the Rotary Club of Peoria-North. Together, we can continue to make a significant impact on our community.

For more information on our projects or to become a member, please contact us or visit our next meeting. We look forward to welcoming you into our community of changemakers!